My actual name is Louis Green, and I’m the person behind the brand Louie London.
I'm a photographer based in Feltham, West London (UK) specialising in concerts, live music, events, and portraiture photography since 2010. He has experience working with various musicians and video recording shows. I have experience working with various musicians, promoters, venues, and I have also video recorded various music events. Some of equipment I use can be views in this BTS album I have created here!!!
The Brand Name of Louie London
The name of Louie London came about from numerous times people would call me Lewis, instead of my actual French name of Lou-ie! However, I am not French. I got fed up of this lifelong affliction with my name. Although, I always liked when people spoke my name correctly.
My parents wanted to name me after my late grandfather. Over the years, I had various jobs that include building computers, programmed parts of a contents management system (CMS), and I also studied for BSc (hons) Social Work degree in 2010; later becoming a legally registered social worker in 2013. During my time at university, I became interested in live music events, often supporting the organisers with promoting, usually via social media posts, and often these contained photos I had taken. Since I was doing this in London, I thought I might as well call myself Louie London
Summary of My Musical Background
I started out as a photographer during my university days when the uni social life wasn’t my thing. The university main social activities were law, rugby, and not much else. This led me to experiment with real work social networking, joining various social groups advertised online until I stubbed upon a regular live music event in Kingston Upon Thames called an open mic. I always like music since my school days, such as singing; although having dyslexia made this difficult for me. I did enjoy the various aspects of, such as the different types of music, the instruments and the people that performed with them. I would often photograph, video performances, and promotes these events, in person or using social media platform, which started me off as a music promoter. I had the local knowledge of musicians, events, and venues after visiting many of them at different locations across London, Hertfordshire, and Surrey; later expending my range to across London.
Additionally, to being a social worker, a music promoter, a photographer; I am a musician, which performs occasionally with a guitar. This added to my awareness of photography and various aspects of what it is like being on stage, in front of a camera, with lights flashing, music playing, and crowds watching. This gave me insights into how other musicians may like to look in their own photos. Some of this you can view on this website.
As part of my music promotional activities in London UK, I have set up a list of regular live music open mics, with samples of photos from a few of these events. The open mics are organised and hosted by various people and venues, which you can view the latest online version of this list here!
These days, I mainly do photography and music promotion as I move away from being a social worker. I felt my calling involves practically assisting people in their goals, projects, and plans. Social work in the UK I feel is very bureaucratic, involving lots of information gathering, assessments, and mostly writing, with not much time with the clients. Due to this, I felt it was no longer something I wanted to continue with as like face to face, practical, creative work, and working with people. Unfortunately, this isn’t social work.
Combining my knowledge of Information Technology, such as learning the various components of a system, and later as Social Worker, I feel has given me various insight into practical human sciences. This includes assessments or multi-faceted roles with different people or organisations involved in a project. This I believe will assist me in any project you can envision.
For this reason, I have developed photographic portfolio of work you can view on this website to give you an indication of the types of projects I have been involved with.
If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or would like to hire my services, I can be contacted here!